Monday, March 24, 2014

One more thing Velicko Turnovo Day

Also another thing that I forgot to mention in the before email was that it was ... day. Each city has it's own holiday and it was crazy. I've never seen so many people in this city before. When we went contacting, we basically followed and was surrounded by a crowd so we couldn't really stop anyone or talk to them. I saw the biggest parade of motorcycles mixed with scooters in my life. Everyone that we're driving motorcycles, big ones and tiny ones, were making the loud flooring it sound. Basically that's all I heard for 30 minutes.

They had a stage that, actually was pretty small, blasted music and was super loud. Also here in Bulgaria they mostly play American songs and the same couple over and over and over again. It gets annoying after a while.

They did fireworks but we were on the church balcony during it. It was cool but there was a building in the middle of the view so nothing special. We also had no one show up to our scripture reading class because of the celebration/busy. We actually stayed in once it became night time because, celebrations that are really big here in Bulgaria are dangerous during night because people are crazy.

I'm sure with other places New Years is the biggest celebration day. Missionaries have to stay in there apartment at 6:00 for safety reasons. It'll be interesting seeing fireworks that day when the day comes because basically there's no rules on fireworks and everyone launches them and it sounds crazy.
Anyway I love you all
Love Elder Green

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The coins or стотинки and the church. The church is basically 1 big room, yes it's not that big, with 2 other rooms that have 1 table in each and some other things. I'm curious on what the "bigger" buildings in other areas of Bulgaria are like that are Churches.

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