Wow, another week down, but I have to admit, this last week, well... was long. I went to Varna for the transfers. I actually waited at the bus station for around 4 hours I think, but it was ok because I was with Elder .... We basically were going through each others photos and wow, Bulgaria sure has a lot to offer. This week has been pouring like crazy. Yesterday, there were basically rivers going down the road, because ... is basically a hill in the middle of the mountains. My companion actually doesn't have an umbrella because I guess other apartments usually have them. So we have been sharing mine, and even with it, I still got completely soaked to the bone. Also, it's the Holidays right now. Basically, it's true, Bulgaria has a ton of holidays and this holiday is based off it being Soldier day and another kind of victory of war with the Turks. It actually happened the day of one of the last weeks of April but they decided to make it the 1st. Soldier day is on the 6th, and since it's the weekend they decided to make it a 6 day long holiday. So... there some history for yea... that is if I heard it correctly ha ha.
All of our investigators are out of town or can't meet due to the holidays. Elder ... and I started to start tracking again in areas that have been down a while ago. We basically had to walk in a river going up the hill while it was pouring like insanely a lot. I've never seen so much water fall from the clouds before. It was a good experience to share and to have but during was annoying ha ha.
I'm so so so excited to be able to Skype with the family and it's crazy to think that I have been out for 5 months now. That's actually really crazy. Time is slow for the day, sometimes, but so so fast for weeks. I still can't believe school is almost out.
I can't believe all of the mission calls I keep on hearing. I'm excited for Richard for California. Even though it's not foreign like he wanted (from the sound of the email) it's the place that God wants him to be. You can't change that. There are people there waiting to be taught by him there and he'll make a difference. I know that to be true. Also, watching "The District" (film of real life missionary lessons/life in California I believe and we watch in studies and other times) always get me pumped with missionary work even though I've seen it a million times. It doesn't matter the area, but the people.
Also with T-Bell (Tyler Bell) and Caleb, wow... I can't believe it's already time for them to have callings to serve missions. Time does fly by. You'll have to tell them congratulations for me. The work is hard, and well... really hard, but I've learned so much from it for this short time here.
Another thing that was funny to me was when you mentioned the temperature there. I'm used to Celsius now so it's just different. It was just a funny thought.
For some clarification, for this in the letter. "Nicks brother, I think Bown is the last name, it's flying out to Japan this week for his mission. I don't know him really I think he was at school."
Is that Michael Bown and did he get a mission call to Japan? If so wow, crazy awesome. If not then well I don't know ha ha.
Well... Lexie good luck with the AP chemistry test. You're super smart so you'll do great on it. Hopefully you can read this before the test, but if not I hope you do well. It'll be like 5:00 in the morning there so you should be able to read this before. Just stay relaxed, don't stress, and pace yourself in it. Like I said, you're super smart so it should go well :).
With Skype, I'm doing it from the same place that I usually email. I'm still not sure how it works, but I'm sure when the time comes it will work itself out. They have a couple of cameras on computers here, so hopefully they work out alright.
It's also funny, I keep in touch with Blake Laing. Well... every coupe weeks we email each other when we get the chance, but anyway, he sent me a translated message in Bulgarian with a translator in the email. It's pretty cool that he could do that, and it made me happy that he figured that out ha ha.
I love all of you, and can't wait for the 11 of May to hear from you in person. It's amazing that we have that opportunity with the technology that we have today. I've been thinking about it ever since I got the email about it from the Mission President. I'll hear from everyone in less than a week now. Love you all again.
Love Elder Green
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